In Memory
RJYC Board has chosen to honor past members and commodores that played a significant role in the development, growth and what it has become today.
The club will donate $50 to a charity of your loved ones choice, or we can provide a memorial brick to placed at our flag pole in their honor. Click the button below to complete your request. The club will provide the paver at no cost to you.

Andy and Betty Batty
Andy Batty - August 2017; Betty Batty - 2013 A patriarch of Red Jacket Yacht, past commodore Andy Batty passed away a few weeks ago. I say patriarch because Andy was a member of Red Jacket for seventy years and his spirit will remain. Andy and his wife Betty were avid sailors of Rhodes Bantams and Lightnings. Betty passed away in 2013. Many of the burgees in the bar were awarded at sailing regattas to Andy and his crew who won many races. In days past when your boat placed in a race you were given a burgee from the host yacht club. If you won the race it was your responsibility to host the next year’s regatta. Andy was a great sailor and won regional, state and northeast regattas, hence several regattas were held at Red Jacket and put Red Jacket on the sailing map. In later years Andy and Betty could be found playing cards on the clubhouse porch, Betty’s many silver hoop bracelets jingling. When I became Club Historian, Andy was good enough to help me organize the club history. He sure had some tales, from speakeasies to races as well as the history of different folks who made unusual contributions to the club. He made the history come alive. His mind was sharp and his voice clear as he shared memories, one leading to another as he said "but, that's another story". As we celebrated our 70th anniversary last year Andy and his daughter spent hours gathering answers for my questions. Where and how did the club start? Tell me a little about of each of the commodores? Tell me about this or that picture? What do the awards stand for? Last summer when our son put together a slide show of old pictures, Trevor set up two easy chairs in the North Room and invited Andy and his twin brother Reggie to have a private big screen showing of the old pictures. One of MY treasured memories is the two of them sitting there recalling and laughing as they identified people and events. More stories! At the end of last summer, another of our former commodores, repaired “old woody” Andy’s beautiful old wooden motorboat and got it in running order. Andy and Reggie got into their treasured boat and motored into the beautiful blue waters of Cayuga, one at the bow and the other at the stern, the two of them grinning from ear to ear. Andy and his wife Betty were anchors of Red Jacket, always willing to voice their opinions, always willing to help the club in any way. Many years of memories!!!! These long term members will be missed.
We were all saddened by Roberta’s sudden death in October 2017. Roberta, like Andy, Michael and Ed, loved Red Jacket and her Red Jacket family and nurtured the club in many ways. Roberta was supportive of Red Jacket, often behind the scenes. She worked hard helping Harry when he was bar co-chair. She helped with many, many dinners and operated the Ship’s Store for quite a few years. Folks looked forward to her traditional deviled eggs at Pot Luck dinners and the delicious pancake breakfast she helped host every fourth of July weekend. She also helped host many Deck Parties that club members enjoyed. Roberta and Harry had several different campsites over the years. They enjoyed sailing and traveling. Combining both with bare boating in the Caribbean was happiness for her. Roberta was all about faith and family. She was active in her Rochester church teaching Sunday School for years. Every Sunday afternoon, if not at Red Jacket, would find her home preparing for her family to gather sharing food and fun. She loved being surrounded by her children, their spouses and her grandchildren and was delighted to have Jeff and Jamie and their families join Red Jacket. Roberta and her friendly smile will be missed by everyone at Red Jacket.

Roberta Fitzsimmons

Ed Schwartz
August 2017 We have lost two Honorary Members of Red Jacket in the last few weeks. Most recently, Ed Schwartz. Ed and Ev joined RJYC in the fall of 1957 when the club operated year-round and bought their first sailboat in order to participate in weekly sailboat races. Over the years Ed raced in 5 different classes of sailboats, one of which he built by hand. Ed was instrumental in the early years of RJYC's development, having served as a Board Member many times during the 1960's and 1970's. As the first Camping Chair, Ed was the one who mapped out and developed the first campsites on "the hill" behind the barn. He went on to serve as Camping Chair for several more years. Ed also served a term as the Fleet Captain. When a proposal came to the board to install a pool, Ed polled the membership. Although, personally doubtful about the pool, Ed voted in favor because he knew the members supported it. Ed was always active in club work parties, he continued to do his bit when he was in his 80's. His "go-to project" was scraping and painting- most notably the porch pickets, decks and railings. He always wanted to do his part. . Ed's family, Schwartzes, Feuersteins, and Warsaws
Former Red Jacket Commodore (88-89) Roger Converse passed away in 2021. Roger loved being at Red Jacket and worked on many projects. He was Commodore when the County Health Department came to Red Jacket and told us we had to connect to city water that they planned on bringing south from Seneca Falls. He began to think out the planning stage. Roger’s wife Peggy and their sons Scott and Rich enjoyed their time at Red Jacket. When Roger was not at the Club, he was at his job at Xerox or traveling with his baseball team or serving his church or his local community. He was a busy guy.

Roger Converse

Red Jacket lost one of its finest in January 2024. Joe Pullano was our MC extraordinaire and a kind and thoughtful family man. Every July 4th you would see him with family and friends making pancakes and sausage for his Red Jacket family. He and Sue have added greatly to Red Jacket’s life over their many years of membership. Joe loved music and one of my favorite memories of him was watching the loving look on his face as he held his lovely wife Sue in has arms swaying to the 70’s music at Red Jacket on his 80th birthday. Joe and Sue were high school sweethearts whose birthdays were separated by just a few days. We will all miss Joe.
Joe Pullano
We lost our dear member Joe Bucci in September 2019. Joe loved the club almost as much as he loved his family. More than once he struggled through treatment and rehabilitation to get back to “the lake”. Joe and Elaine have seven children who grew up at the yacht club and were known as “yacht club brats”. They can tell some stories! Bucci’s joined the club in the 60’s. When Joe got transferred to western Pennsylvania, they tried being out-of-state members for a while, but the distance was too much. They left for quite a few years but the pull of family and Red Jacket brought them back to Rochester about ten years ago. Joe loved kids, all kids, and they knew it and loved him back. I asked him last summer what it was about the club that continued to make him work so hard to get there. His response “The peace, the serenity, and the people”. We will all miss his kind gentle smile and his warm hugs.

Joe Bucci

Our dear friend Elaine Bucci passed away suddenly in January 2024. She and husband Joe along with their seven children spent many a summer weekend camping at Red Jacket, joining in the 70’s. A career move took them away for several years but as soon as they got close enough, they were back as Active Members at RJ. Elaine was an interior designer and was the artistic hand behind many a Red Jacket affair. As a widow, it was difficult for Elaine to come back to RJ. But her love of Red Jacket and it’s welcoming people made it possible for her to feel comfortable enough to come back as a Social Member. She will be greatly missed.
Elaine Bucci
Red Jacket lost another of our past Commodores in May 2024. Dave Gehring was Commodore from 1983 thru 1984. He held just about every board position while he and his wife Julie were members and repaired and replaced many of our much needed pumps. We really gave them a workout until we got city water. He was employed by Gould Pumps and then started Gehring Pumps with Julie in Fairport.. He had a great sense of humor and was a prankster. His laugh could be heard all around the Club. He kept track of his daughters during their teen years by hiding up in a tree overseeing them. Their daughter Heather Garbarino and her family were members for years and their daughter Chris Lambert was chairman of the 2016 Red Jacket Reunion. This is another family that contributed greatly to our Club. We mour the loss of Dave.

Dave Gehring

One of our past Commodore’s, John Scanlon (1980 & 1981), passed away in February 2024. He was a long time employee of Gould Pumps retiring as President of Gould Pumps International. He and his wife Mary, as well as their children spent many happy hours at Red Jacket. John spent countless hours of service to the Club and there are many lasting results of those hours. The barn was Gould Pump blue because of paint donated. We used a lot of pumps before the current system and we did not have city water. Whenever a pump broke, one magically appeared to replace it. The Club hit on really hard financial times in the late 70’s and early 80’s. Most of the members were local employees of Gould, Sylvania and other large firms who suddenly downsized or sent employees elsewhere. Suddenly, the membership went from over 100 with a waiting list down to below 50. John was instrumental in saving the Club from being repossessed. The club was open year round, had a full-time live in steward and owned an additional cottage. John received a call from a friend who worked at the bank, informing him that the mortgage on the Club was about to be called. John asked for and was granted time to get things together. The board made big changes. They sold a cottage, closed the Club in the winter and laid off the stewards. Were it not for his and the board’s efforts, you might not be enjoying the Club today! Each of our past Commodores and board members has contributed much to our current enjoyment and solid condition. With thanks, we mourn the loss of John Scanlon.
John Scanlon
Red Jacket lost another sweet woman in early October 2017. Maria Harrington had a smile for everyone, but her gorgeous face lit up whenever she saw a child. Mother of two, step-mother of three and grandmother to many, she could often be seen on the camp path, in her golf cart or at the pool with one or more of her grandchildren, her face aglow. They all adored her and she them. Like others who passed away this year, she loved Red Jacket and treasured her times there with her husband Leo. If they were missing from Red Jacket on a weekend a good bet would be a family affair or even more likely Leo playing baseball somewhere with Maria there to cheer him. Maria left us too soon. She was beautiful inside and out.

Maria Harrington

Jackie & Perry Stolt
Honorary Commodore Perry Stolt passed away suddenly in 2013 and his wife Jackie passed away in 2022. Both loved the Club, were extremely active and are missed. Perry Stolt was a technology teacher who brought his many skills to Red Jacket. He was instrumental in installing the water system to the campground area. He worked on lots of projects for the betterment of the Club. He was a fisherman extraordinaire and a great cook. Jackie Stolt was a caring nurse and nursing instructor and she was the first one many turned to when medical emergencies turned up at Red Jacket. She worked behind the scenes at lots of social events. She was a caregiver for her mother and her mentally retarded brother. She and Perry were both involved in the developmentally disabled community in many ways. They have three sons who grew up at the Club, sailing, skiing and fishing to their heart’s content.
Sadly, we lost Michael Goodness in December 2016. Michael loved Red Jacket and his friends there. He served Red Jacket as a Board member and had a deep love of sailing. Michael and Gaie were always diehard campers but grew to adjust over time to RJ "glamping". They learned of Red Jacket from Baylors who they met on a day trip to Toronto in the fall of '94. Michael couldn't wait to submit a check to be a summer member the following year, and Michael and Gaie literally did not know a soul, but were quickly welcomed by Red Jacket members. Michael was a low key, easy going man. He was a therapist and some Red Jacket folks benefitted informally from his skills. He was always willing to listen. Michael decided he wanted to take up sailing around 1990. He started with a day-sailor, then a 23 ft. Rhodes, that turtled during a rare tornado at RJ. In true Red Jacket spirit everyone at the club turned out and rescued the boat. Michael was on cloud 9 when he bought the 30 ft. C & C Impetuous. He and Gaie had some fun cruises on Cayuga Lake before hurricane Katrina tore Impetuous off its mooring and running it aground. Michael was Fleet Captain in the late 90’s. He taught sailing lessons every Sunday morning on the front lawn, using three Sunfish. His wife Gaie was Youth chair for 6 years, and Michael willingly helped. The barn dances were work intense weekend affairs that Gaie and Michael chaired; getting the barn decorated, stage set, helping people make costumes, clean up, etc. Michael and Gaie received the Commodore's Award in 2000. In addition to love of family and sailing, Michael was passionate about music and his guitar. His band, Raintree, which included Paul Tese and Lizzie Goodness, often could be heard at Red Jacket playing rock songs from the 60s and 70s and modern favorites. Members enjoyed dancing to their music all night and their last Red Jacket gig was the Commodores’ Dinner in 2016. That was Michael and he is missed by the whole Red Jacket’s family.

Michael Goodness
Fran Wenderlich
Red Jacket lost Social member Fran Wenderlich early in 2017. While Fran had not been active at Red Jacket in recent years, she cared about Red Jacket and enjoyed her times there. Fran and her husband Paul were long-time esidents of Seneca Falls. Fran had a varied nursing career and was Seneca County Director of Public Health. She was a volunteer at many Seneca Falls community events and served on the Village Board. Fran and Paul had a campsite on the upper road for years. They enjoyed times in their sailboat on Cayuga Lake and the comradery of Red Jacket members. In ecent years Fran could be found enjoying the pool with her grandchildren. Red Jacket members will miss her.
Our former member and 2005-2006 Commodore, Craig Messimer passed away October 15, 2020. As with each of our ommodore’s he loved Red Jacket. He built a pig pit and is one of several who have been responsible for the July Pig Roast tradition. Like many RJYC dad’s, he spent hours pulling his three children around on their tubes and enjoyed helping with the kid’s social events. He helped with a very involved Renaissance Barn Dance in 2000. He was responsible for a new metal roof on the barn. He will be missed.

Craig Messimer
No Photo
Our long time member Dennis McCrary passed away at his beloved cottage on June 5, 2023. His deceased wife Eugenia Lester McCrary was a teen when her parents became founding members of Red Jacket. Dennis loved music, the lake and his occasional visits to the Red Jacket bar. His son Dennis Campbell McCrary, wife Kathryn, granddaughters Eugenia and Aubrey are Red Jacket members and you will often see them at the pool.
Dennis McCrary